Source code for pytb.itertools

Methods to work with iterables conveniently.
(methods that could be in the python stdlib itertools package)

import itertools
from copy import deepcopy
from import Iterable
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Mapping, Generator, Sequence

[docs]def named_product( values: Optional[Mapping[Any, Any]] = None, repeat: int = 1, safe_copy: Union[Sequence[str], bool] = True, **kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: r""" .. testsetup:: * from pytb.itertools import named_product Return each possible combination of the input parameters (cartesian product), thus this provides the same basic functionality of :meth:``itertools.product``. However this method provides more flexibility as it: 1. returns dicts instead of tuples .. doctest:: >>> list(named_product(a=('X', 'Y'), b=(1, 2))) [{'a': 'X', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'X', 'b': 2}, {'a': 'Y', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'Y', 'b': 2}] 2. accepts either a dict or kwargs .. doctest:: >>> list(named_product({ 'a':('X', 'Y') }, b=(1, 2))) [{'a': 'X', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'X', 'b': 2}, {'a': 'Y', 'b': 1}, {'a': 'Y', 'b': 2}] 3. accepts nested dicts .. doctest:: >>> list(named_product( ... a=( ... {'X': {'b':(1,2)}}, ... {'Y': { ... 'b': (3, 4), ... 'c': (5, ) ... } ... } ... ) ... )) [{'a': {'X': {'b': (1, 2)}}}, {'a': {'Y': {'b': (3, 4), 'c': (5,)}}}] 4. accepts scalar values .. doctest:: >>> list(named_product(b='Xy', c=('a', 'b'))) [{'b': 'Xy', 'c': 'a'}, {'b': 'Xy', 'c': 'b'}] :param values: a dict of iterables used to create the cartesian product :param repeat: repeat iteration of the product N-times :param safe_copy: copy all values before yielding any combination. If passed ``True`` all values are copied. If passed ``False`` no values are copied. If passed an iterable of strings, only the values whose key is in the iterable are copied. :param \**kwargs: optional keyword arguments. The dict of keyword arguments is merged with the values dict, with ``kwargs`` overwriting values in ``values`` """ # merge the values dict with the kwargs, giving # precedence to the kwargs if values is not None: kwargs = {**values, **kwargs} # convert scalar values to 1-tuples for name, entry in kwargs.copy().items(): # always pack strings as they are iterable, # but most likely used as scalars if isinstance(entry, str) or not isinstance(entry, Iterable): kwargs.update({name: (entry,)}) # type: ignore if any(isinstance(v, dict) for v in kwargs.values()): # recursivley expand all dict elements to the set of values for key_outer, val_outer in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(val_outer, dict): for key_inner, val_inner in val_outer.items(): subproduct = {key_outer: key_inner, **val_inner} # yield from to exhaust the recursive call to the iterator yield from named_product( repeat=repeat, safe_copy=safe_copy, **{**kwargs, **subproduct} ) else: # non-recursive exit point yields the product of all values for combination in itertools.product(*kwargs.values(), repeat=repeat): combined_values = [] if isinstance(safe_copy, Iterable): for key, val in zip(list(kwargs.keys()), combination): if key in safe_copy: combined_values.append(deepcopy(val)) else: combined_values.append(val) elif isinstance(safe_copy, bool) and safe_copy: combined_values.append(deepcopy(list(combination))) else: combined_values.append(combination) yield dict(zip(list(kwargs.keys()), *combined_values))